Cooling Tower

Cooling Tower

Cooling Tower

Cooling Tower

Cooling tower water requiress extensive treatment. During cooling tower water treatment, three main factors must be controlled.

• Corrosion of pipes and heat exchanger units
• Scaling in pipes and (mainly) in heat exchangers
• Microbial growth (bacteria, algae)

These three aspects cannot be viewed separately. By means of ozone treatment, all these aspects can be controlled collectively, without further addition of chemicals. Conventional treatment techniques are mainly applications of chemical biocides, corrosion inhibitors and scale inhibitors. Ozone is a reliable alternative that controls the above-mentioned factors sufficiently.

Why Ozone is essential in Cooling tower water treatment  ? 

• Destroys all type of Micro Organisms such as Bacteria, fungus, Algae and Mold growth

• Prevents scaling in pipes and heat exchangers

• Prevents formation of Bio-films

• Prevents Corrosion

Advantages of Ozone in Cooling tower : 

• Ozone is produced on-site and requires no  storage of dangerous chemicals

• Ozone requires no additional disinfection

• Increases the pumping efficiency

• Higher efficiency of heat exchangers

• Cooler running temperatures where scale is inhibited or reduced

• Ozone is effective in a wide pH range

• Reduction or elimination chemicals needed for algae control

• No persistent chemical or disinfectants in bleed. Ozone breaks down to oxygen


Will ozone treated cooling water be classed as effluent by the local water authority?

Ozone is highly reactive and because of this has a very short half life once dissolved into water The natural reaction for ozone (03) is to return to its oxygen form (02). This reaction time is typically 10-20 minutes at 20oC. This means that any blow down from an ozone treated cooling system will not contain any chemical biocides or corrosion inhibitors or toxic residues and thus will not be classed as effluent and may be disposed to surface drainage.

How effectively Ozone removes bacteria level in Cooling systems ?

Ozone has been scientifically proven to be most effective under almost all conditions at controlling bacterial, biofilms and other amoeba in cooling systems without the need for secondary biocide or biodispersant, as proven by the Department of the Environment and others.Documented test data is available if necessary.

Will ozone totally replace conventional chemical dosing programs in cooling water systems?

It is possible for ozone to replace all chemical biocide treatment in the vast majority of cooling water systems. In some cases it will also replace corrosion and scale inhibitors. Restrictions can apply where water is stored in large open tanks and open water collection troughs in an enclosed design to other oxidising biocide monitors such accumulation of ozone near close contact with factory personnel.

Is ozone corrosive?

No. Ozone, when correctly applied, has been proven to maintain uniformly low corrosion rates, similar to and frequently better than systems treated with traditional chemicals. Documented test data available. Typically mild steel corrosion rates will be less than 3 mpy and yellow metal corrosion rates from 0.01 to 0.5 mpy. These figures have been confirmed by independent testing in the UK and the USA.

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